Wednesday, August 1, 2012

MYSQL collection

(1) Insert rows from select result set INSERT ... SELECT Syntax

    [INTO] tbl_name [(col_name,...)]
    SELECT ...
    [ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE col_name=expr, ... ]

eg. Tie_all have the same structure as Tie2. Tie_all:(id,reviewer1,reviewer2,tie_strength)
insert into Tie_all (reviewer1,reviewer2,tie_strength) (select reviewer1,reviewer2,tie_strength from Tie2);

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Set up a svn server on linux quickly

Here is a quick guide for setting up a basic svn server on a linux platform. If you are looking for a detailed configuration, please refer to the manual of svn.
  1. yum -y intall subversion  #install svn
  2. svnadmin create /xx/svn_repository/plancky_code   #create a repository
  3. cd /xx/svn_reposity/plancky_code and then modify server.conf, passwd   # add user and password
      • vim server.conf and uncomment "password-db = passwd"
      • vim passwd and add an item "username=password"
  4. svnserve -d -r /xx/svn_repository/plancky_code   # start svn server
  5. svn import /xx/plancky svn://localhost/plancky_code -m initial import --username username --password password  #import plancky to repository
  6. svn co svn://localhost/plancky_code --username username --password password  #check out code from repository
    • ERROR: If meeting Error"SVN: could not use external editor to fetch log message", we need to add a SVN_EDITOR to bash configuration
        •       vim ~/.bash_profile
        •       export SVN_EDITOR="/usr/bin/vim"
        •       reopen the terminal to load the bash configuration

Monday, June 4, 2012

CS conference ranking & submission deadline

Computer Science conference ranking and submission deadline
[1] CS security Maintained by Guofei Gu in TAMU

[2] Submission deadline Maintained by Niranjan Hasabnis

[3] Networking Conferences Statistics

[4] Top Crypto and Security Conferences Ranking

"Error : could not start the command" in TexMakerX

If you meet the error "Error : could not start the command" while executing TexMakerX commands in Win7 X64, it is probably due to environment path of LaTex compiler.  The following steps may help you solve this error.
  1. Make sure that you did install a LaTex compiler like MiKTeX. You know,  TexMakerX is just a editor of latex input, not a compiler.
  2. Locate the bin directory in the installation directory of the LaTex compiler.
  3. Add the directory of bin like "d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin" to the environment paths of windows. 
    • Right click computer in start menu, choose properties.
    • Find the "Advanced system settings" in upper left corner.
    • Click the button "Environment Variables".
    • Find the row of variable path in the group of "System Variables" and add bin path like";d:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX 2.9\miktex\bin"to the tail. Remember to add a semicolon to separate different path. 

Then, try it again...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Change php settings of service in Godaddy linux

When I was looking for how to change the maximum upload file size in Godaddy, I was misled by php.ini in the root directory. Actually, the individual configuration file should be php5.ini if your php version is V5.x.x.

Three steps are needed to change the php settings:
1. Check your current php version.
     1) Add a phpinfo.php file in one directory of your website
     2) Add <?php phpinfo();?> to the file
     3) Access /
2. If your version is V5.x.x.
    1) Create a new file with name php5.ini in root directory.
    2) add the parameters you need to the file,like

  • memory_limit = 50M
  •   post_max_size = 10M
  • file_uploads = On
  • upload_max_filesize = 10M

   ELSE If your php version is V4.x.x. or lower
     The configuration file is the php.ini file in the root directory.
3. Check your phpinfo.php and find the parameters' values of what your care about. If it doesn't change, follow these steps to reload your php settings.

To Kill Web System Processes on Linux Shared Hosting Accounts
  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Click Web Hosting.
  3. Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Launch.
  4. In the Content section of the Hosting Control Center, click the System Processes icon.
  5. Click End Web and follow any prompts.
  6. Reload the phpinfo.php page to see if the desired changes have taken effect.
NOTE: You will not find the start button because the End Web is for restart.

Sunday, May 27, 2012